2018年9月14日 星期五

英國行旅9日遊Day3 #2(York

英國行旅9日遊Day3 #2(York&Edingburgh of UK travel day 3 #2)( イギリスで 旅行に Day3,#2)


York became a major cloth manufacturing and trading centre. Edward I further stimulated the city's economy by using the city as a base for his war in Scotland.The city was the location of significant unrest during the so-called Peasants' Revolt in 1381. The city acquired an increasing degree of autonomy from central government including the privileges granted by a charter of Richard II in 1396.


2018年9月3日 星期一

英國行旅9日遊Day 1~2#1(United Kingdom travel day 1~2#1)( イギリスで 旅行に Day1-2,#1)

英國行旅9日遊Day 1~2#1

(United Kingdom travel day 1~2#1)

( イギリスで 旅行に Day1-2,#1)

到達倫敦的首站來到徐志摩大文豪所說的再會康橋所在地,劍橋大學感受文豪意境,接入住Leeds里茲為明天的約克景點做準備,(,紐約的哥)身歷中古世紀情境,感受古人的生活. 18107813~21
